IlluminXation is an affordable non-profit (EIN 82-4049104) learning center, located in Bronx, New York, where we illuminate the minds of the next generation of students through Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math (STEAM) lessons, particularly related to healthcare.
Our fundamental purpose is to provide services for low income, high needs students within the community, especially those struggling in school. IlluminXation aims to use the teachings of W. Edward Deming to raise the quality of education whilst lowering the costs by giving parents the option to pay based on their income and giving students the necessary tools, to create innovative new ways to take ownership of their learning as highlighted in our Strategic Priorities Service, People, Quality, and Finances (James & Poulsen, 2016)
IlluminXation has a four prong based program, these are:
- Service “customer partnership” – students are engaged and involved in the development of their ability to observe, think, question, and solve problems – student centricity.
- People “provider support” – providers receive assistance to: implement curriculum; improve access to the community based program; use technology and data to enhance student engagement and train continuously.
- Quality “employees advantages” – employees are satisfied with the quality of their lessons because the self-esteem and confidence of our students are boosted as they gain an in depth understanding of the course materials being taught.
- Finances “income-based payment model” – students are provided with high quality education based on their parents/guardian income at a reduced cost, regardless of their financial capabilities. Funding retained from Private Organization, Local, State, and Federal agencies will offset costs for the students.
James, B. C., & Poulsen, G. (2016). The case for capitation. Harvard Business Review, 103 - 111.